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Human Impact

Artist Statement


Human Impact is a video created using found footage from Pixabay. I also used a variety of audios from I wanted to create a short video with a narrative, starting off with distortion, but moving onto what the reality is. The topic I covered was the impact of climate change. I wanted to include the narrative that no matter what, nature would heal whether humans exist or not. I chose to do this narrative by starting with normal then distorted birds, transitioning to real images of pollution alongside animals in nature that are beloved. The final video included, shows the light pollution created over the world. I wanted to have a broad ending video-wise, so that the ending could be up to viewer interpretation. Overall I wanted to create something similar to an advertisement. My goal was to bring out the feeling that climate change has on individuals. It is a feeling of hopelessness and loss. Another thing I wanted to try, is different forms of video editing I have not used before. For example the transitions and adjusting audio more heavily. I decided on using found video and audio to manipulate it into something that would have a deeper message. While I did not really distort the videos themselves besides the beginning, I manipulated what their original intention was. The most challenging step within this process was just coming up with an idea. I struggled to think of a concept that I could cover in under a minute. However, I am really happy with the result.

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